Sunday, August 3, 2008

Finding your place

I met a man today that handles the finances for most of the Wycliff missionary projects in Europe and western Asia. And he says it's amazing how perfectly suited he is for this job.

He started out a number of years ago as a church planter in Japan. When his organization needed some help in the financial and organizational dept, he volunteered. He had left a successful job in the banking industry to plant churches. As he helped in this area, he realized how perfectly suited he was for this.

It's definitely not as important in man's eyes, but it is vital for the success of Wycliff Bible Translators... and he's making a difference behind the scenes. As he puts it, "It's not glamorous, nor does it look really good in a newsletter, but it's exactly what God created me to do." How refreshing to hear someone who has found and is fulfilling God's will for their lives!

It's sort of the same for us... we came over to reach every teen in Europe. We planted youth ministries, did evangelistic outreaches, mission trips, camps, seminars, conferences, street ministry, etc... all with and for teens.

And although we had success, we began to notice that we felt the most in our element when we were training leaders. As we began to do more and more training, we saw the huge need for someone to come alongside European leaders and coach/mentor them. And we began to recognize the shift in the grace on our lives... away from the actual youth ministry and more into leadership development. It's not as sensational as doing all the street ministry, but it's just as important... and it's exactly what we were put on this earth to do. what Jesus did when He walked the earth. He spent most of His time training His disciples so they could change the world!

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