Friday, August 28, 2009

We are visitors (part 9)

Another thing that visitors are looking for is a church that knows where it’s going and what it’s doing. If the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, there’s a problem. Everyone on the stage should at least have a basic idea of the order of service. One of the churches I visited had sixty second pause while they tried to figure out who was supposed to do their thing next. All that needed to happen was someone in leadership take the mic and just jump in.

We’ve seen worship teams trying to figure out which song to sing next during the “worship time.” The congregation just stood there watching while the leader flipped through the pages in his worship book and tried to decide. And there wasn’t any music to fill the empty space while he searched. The worship leader should have invested some time in seeking God about the song order.
It’s not that every transition has to be polished or perfectly executed… it’s just that some thought should go into how to get from one song or one part of the service to the next. Someone should have the final plan and then disseminate that info to everyone that needs to know it. We want to give our visitors the sense that we take our services seriously. We want to remove distractions so the people can focus on connecting with God.

1 comment:

  1. This was our church in Dension, KS before we got there. This is what set people up in arms, the fact that we took their disjointed service and polished it and gave it flow. We took out the awkward moments and gave it meaning and seriousness. It's insane. But now, it's so much better and I know if we went back to that same style, they'd compalin again.
